
Gifts are not just for Christmas.

Imagine my delight when last week, I arrived to Woodville, and found waiting for me not one but two gifts of Snowdrops. One gift of three large pots, unnamed, not yet identified from Nenagh, thank you Moira. Gift two a little pot of the much coveted ‘Castlegar’ thank you Dorothy. Originally from the Mahon Estate discovered by Keith Lamb. This delicate beauty can flower early, mid December, which makes it all the more welcome in this bleak time of year. I would like to thank everybody for their donations of snowdrops in the last year, I eagerly await my little treasures.

Lets talk spuds! What are you growing this year? (first and second earlies should be chitted now in a sunny and frost free place).

Hope its a great year.

The garden gnome

Woodville W. G.